viernes, junio 13

Megadeth - The Scorpion

Dave Mustaine tomó la fábula de Esopo: La rana y el escorpión, para crear una buenísima canción acerca de la naturaleza malvada del ser humano. Y aunque uno pudiera suponer que The Scorpion (The System Has Failed, 2004) está dedicada a David Ellefson (signo zodiacal escorpión), el ex bajista que por muchos años fue el fiel compañero de Mustaine y que lo demandó luego de la separación de la banda, me atrevería a pensar que va por otro lado.

En esta canción se destaca una característica del escorpión que para algunos es fascinante y para otros todo lo contrario. Esto es, su rostro (si es que tiene) rígido, sin expresión que puede causar equívocos. Y si lo llevamos a los seres humanos, aquella característica es el pasaporte perfecto para aquellos que mienten y luego traicionan por la espalda cuando uno menos lo espera.

Posiblemente, Mustaine quiso reflejar en el escorpión la maldad y la corrupción de los políticos, además, de como todos nosotros, cual ranas de la fábula, seguimos confiando en que las cosas podrían cambiar. Sin embargo, aún vivimos rodeados de mentiras, homicidios, violencia, tráfico de drogas, etc. Flagelos que se nos inyecta y que nos hunde hasta el fondo cada día. Pero que le vamos a hacer, puesto que de alguna u otra forma, todos somos escorpiones, y esa es nuestra naturaleza.

Letras / Lyrics

My life is everything
That feeds my thirst that causes sin
My wants are all i care
No shame or guilt, there's nothing there
Look deep into my face
I sell deceit without a trace
Fear not what i can doUnless you want it done to you
oh ohhhh!

As I climb onto your back, I will promise not to sting
I will tell you what you want to hear, and not mean anything
Then I treat you like a dog as I shoot my venom in
You pretend you didn't know that I am a scorpion, Oh

My self I'm centered in
There's nothing else, there's never been
And I dream, to be left alone
With the sadness, the madness of my own
Look deep into my soul
It's black as coal like a bullethole
Fear not, get off your knees
There's no defense, you'll do what i please
oh ohh!

As I climb onto your back, I will promise not to sting
I will tell you what you want to hear, and not mean anything
Then I treat you like a dog as I shoot my venom in
You pretend you didn't know that I am a scorpion, Oh

As I climb onto your back, I will promise not to sting
I will tell you what you want to hear, and not mean anything
I will treat you like a dog as I shoot my venom in
'Cause you knew all along that I am a scorpion, ya!

My lies, to reach the shore
I aggrandize and nothing more
My hopes, to steal away
All you love, I'll soon betray
Look deep into my past
The pain I deal is unsurpassed
I'm not a lowly scorpion
I'm so much worse; I'm the fall of man

reporter speaking:
Fighting broke out overnight between rival factions along the
Israeli/Syrian border. Initial reports say Israeli jet fighters
bombed the guerrilla base killing at least 49 soldiers and 13 civilians

A 49 year old unidentified man went beserk last night
opening fire with a 12 gauge shotgun in a crowded downtown
restaurant 14 people are dead including 3 children

A crackdown on labratory experients on animals is expected
to become law today. Animal rights activists have been
pushing for the bill for 9 years and have taken part in mass demonstrations

Police have smashed a multi million dollar drug smuggling
ring. 22 punds of heroin was seized along with a small
amount of cocaine, marijuana, and hashish. 25 people have
been arrested and face charges ranging from smuggling to
possession for the purpose of traficking

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